
交叉引用: 学生纪律处分 Operating Procedure 319.02
学生纪律处分 Appeals Operating Procedure 319.03

适用性: This Policy applies to all 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or “the College”) students.

目的: The purpose of this Policy is to set out the disciplinary actions the College may impose i) upon any student found to be in violation of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 学生行为准则 or ii) when it is determined that a student has not acted in the best interest of other students, 员工或学院作为一个整体. 这种纪律处分应包括, 但不限于, 本政策下文所述的行为.


The College shall determine the appropriate disciplinary action(s) based on the type and severity of behavior or violation committed. It is not required for the College to follow the listed disciplinary actions in any order or sequence.


  1. 警告: A written or verbal notice to the student that the student’s behavior is unacceptable, that the student has violated the 学生行为准则 and/or that any future violations will be subject to further disciplinary action.
  2. 试用期: A period of time during which the privilege of continuing as a 赌钱app可以微信提现 student is conditioned upon the student meeting certain requirements. 条件可能包括, 但不限于, loss of privileges to which a current student would otherwise be entitled, required assignments or actions by the student, and/or an acknowledgment by the student that any additional violations of the 学生行为准则 may result in additional discipline.
  3. 悬架: 把学生从班级中分离出来, 程序, 活动, 事件, 或任何大学, College-operated, 或学院使用的设施 for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  4. 开除: Permanent separation of the student from student status from a class, 程序, 活动, 事件, 或任何大学, College-operated, 或学院使用的设施.

额外的制裁: In addition to or in conjunction with the disciplinary actions listed above, the following non-exhaustive list of sanctions may be imposed by the College as part of a disciplinary action: mandatory training, 保留学生档案, 学术或个人咨询, attendance at the student assistance 程序, 赔偿和罚款, 必要的行政会议, 医学认证/评估, 行为协议的执行, 课程安排的修改, issuance of a no-contact order in relation to another individual, 强制性项目或任务(i.e. 写作任务), 拒绝特权, 紧急暂停, ban from 赌钱app可以微信提现 campus or activities and/or community service.


Following a complaint under the 学生纪律处分 Operating Procedure 319.2002年,学生成功部主任 & 订婚 may immediately impose interim measures, including suspension or removal where appropriate, prior to the conclusion or during the pendency of the grievance process if that student’s continued presence in a class, 程序, 活动或事件, 或者任何大学的, College-operated, 或学院使用的设施 poses a significant danger to themselves or others, and/or there is reasonable cause to believe that such interim measure is required to protect lives or property or to ensure the maintenance of order.

实施临时措施, the dean will consider the potential consequences of the measure imposed, such as the student’s inability to attend classes. The dean may allow for alternative means for the student to fulfill academic or other obligations.

A student may request review of an interim measure while it remains in effect by submitting a written request to the Office of the Vice President of Student Success & 订婚. 负责学生成功的副校长 & 订婚, Instruction or 继续教育 will review the request and determine if the interim measure will be upheld, 修改或终止. The decision of the Vice President will be final, and the interim measure process will be separate and distinct from the investigation and discipline procedure.

This section does not describe measures which may be taken in response to complaints under the Sexual Harassment Complaint Operating Procedure 650.01 or the Student Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Complaint Operating Procedure 319.05.


Complaints against a student for violating the 学生行为准则, excluding violations of the Student Discrimination, 骚扰或报复政策.05和性骚扰政策650.00, shall be filed and will be reviewed in accordance with the 学生纪律处分 Operating Procedure 319.02. Complaints against a student for violating other College policies shall be filed and will be reviewed in accordance with those applicable policies and operating procedures.

修正:05/26/1993, 06/16/1994, 02/15/2001, 05/19/2005, 01/18/2007, 08/18/2011, 08/13/2015, 11/17/2016, 05/03/2019(仅更正), 01/21/2021